Tuesday, 28 September 2010

hello its my birthday

knit and pearl has had many faces in its first year, but its here to stay as knit and pearl. and thank you so much for reading my rants. i know its not a world class blog but i love it. blogging has become a permanent obsession of mine.

happy birthday to my blog 

and thanks for reading 

love Esther xx

Monday, 27 September 2010

doily clothes

the s/s11 collection at Dolce and Gabbana reminds me of
A: my crazy but amazing grandma 
B: Christmas and mince pies 
C: doilies 

and i like all these things so the collections right up my little street :) 

love Esther xx

Sunday, 26 September 2010

wild things

look at these super super super cute spirit hoods. aren't they just the best thing since sliced bread, and they're every where, every one wants to get their mits on them iculuding me and thanks to vintage mavens i have a small chance of getting one. just like the fabulous wild fox girls, ke$ha and lost'o other beautiful people.

all images from vintage mavens blog 

so now you have seen the b-e-a-utiful creation 

heres your chance to win it. all you have to do is goto the lovely blog vintage mavens and follow her oh so simple instructions. and i wish all of you good luck. and fingers crossed : D

love Esther xx

Friday, 24 September 2010

lets have a bed party

15 things to do in bed

  1.  Sleep until your all sleeped out 
  2. Watch every rom-com you can get your hands on 
  3. Sit on it with your friends and talk about rubbish 
  4. Stalk famous beautiful people in every form you can get your hands on 
  5.  Write letters you will never send
  6.  Make a playlist of songs that make you smile
  7. Read an entire book that you’ve never read before
  8. Start a blog about things that you like
  9. Sit on facebook all day
  10.  Eat a lot of biscuits and drink a lot of tea
  11.  Turn your bed into a tent/den. (if your still 8)
  12.  Spend a lot of time on the phone to a friend
  13.  Knit a scarf
  14.   Learn the lyrics to an Eminem song
  15. Have a picnic                     

 a post on a blog made me think this up my favorite one of hers was to take a world tour on Google maps. Doing it the next time i have a lie in. 

love Esther xx

Sunday, 19 September 2010

have sex with Alexa Chung by telling her i'm well hung

from my other posts its bare obvious i love a bit of Alexa Chung so this collection right here is what a want my own wardrobe to look like. with personal Favorites in the form of dungarees and velvet shorts.flipping genius.

 and if any of you rich bitches want to buy it all heres the link http://www.madewell.com/madewell_feature/ALEXACHUNGFORMADEWELL.jsp

in the mean time i will lust and franticly check eBay
love Esther xx

Friday, 17 September 2010

stop. its daisy time.

YES YES YES. daisy lowe is a goddess and don't we all know it.

so here's some pictures to dribble over...
...and BEST OF ALL a real life moving video of here doing a jig in some undies for 

p.s sorry it doesn't fit on my blog i'm technically challenged and cant workout how to stop it doing that PLEASE if any beautiful computer whizzes know tell me
love Esther xx

Thursday, 2 September 2010

school time

eww i'm going back to school its going to be stressful and dull . to make it worse i hate school shopping, these are my Favorite shoes off the high-street. I got myself some loafers, they are extremely grannish and comfy. 

love Esther xxs

About Me

i'm 15 stumbling through blogging and learning not be be too awful. seeking help